Yesterday I had one of the most interesting conversations. Strangely, it was with my mother. We talk a lot, gossip, fight, scream, nag (well she does). However, yesterday was different. We spoke for almost an hour and a half. My mother sleeps at 9.00 pm, she stayed up till 10.30pm….talking to her daughter. Finally we were both “mature adults” and discussed topics that I would not have even dreamt of disclosing under normal circumstances. But somehow it felt right, for once in my life I knew what I was doing and I wanted to share that with my mother.
Earlier when I experimented with the whole “sharing” process, I encountered brutal antipathy towards my ideas and was condemned of committing a “sin”..something a typical Iyer Girl must not even think of!
But yesterday, things were different, she smiled, she laughed, she was concerned but the over all experience was different. There is this new BOND that has been established, let me rephrase that, the old bond was strengthened, the connection was strengthened using the laws of exercise and contiguity and all other laws that these over ambitious learning theorists like Thorndike and Hull kept talking about without addressing the core of the connection.
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